Why I am happy to eat ‘all the thing’ over the holidays (and focus on moving my body)We all know that we need to focus on both nutrition and training…

Why I am happy to eat ‘all the thing’ over the holidays (and focus on moving my body)We all know that we need to focus on both nutrition and training…
Well, fellow Melbournians, we are finally starting to see the light. Restrictions will ease further this week which means we are one step closer to coming out of lockdown for…
Staying healthy while going in and out of lockdown is a b*&tchThere is no more ‘normal’ left in this world of Covid! So learning how to deal with the constantly…
Did you know that motivation to do more than survive is not natural.We are all greedy and lazy animals.It’s natures way of keeping us alive.We eat until we’re full and…
Ladies, please stop telling other women how good they look just because they are a size smaller. This happened to me when I came back from overseas.I had thin arms and…
Have you ever pressed pause on your training and health goals?I’ll start training again as soon as……the kids go back to school…work calms down…Christmas…I mean New Year’s Eve is over…
If you feel that 2020 is going to be YOUR year, then take advantage of this exclusive Commit to Fit Bundle! This package covers everything you need to thrive over summer and feel strong, fit and unstoppable in 2020.
For a limited time only, you can grab yourself a Commit to Fit Bundle with a heap of added EXTRAS (valued at over $400!).
so you know exactly what you need to do to get the results you want for summer and beyond!
to ensure you’re moving correctly to avoid injury or training setbacks
to determine any barriers or limiting beliefs that hold you back from being the best version of you
to ensure you have winning nutrition approach that also suits your lifestyle