Functional Movement System
Identify any movement dysfunction
to enhance results, prevent injury
and move well
Benefits of Functional Movement System (FMS)
Injury prevention
The FMS Screen helps identify movement dysfunctions before they cause an injury. Corrective exercises are then used to improve movement quality and restore functional movement patterns.
See your progress, stay on track
The FMS is a standardised screen which we use to re-test movement quality over time to assess progress, make sure you are on track and identify any necessary changes that need to be made.
Increase results
When we train, we look at fundamentals first, ALWAYS. Because as Gray Cook (Physical Therapist and creator of FMS) says, “You can’t put fitness on dysfunction.” If you want to increase your performance, then getting the fundamental movement patterns right is absolutely essential.
Consistent and reliable
FMS is a proven tool that looks at the quality of movement. It is extremely objective, reliable, and replicable. It is used by a wide range of fitness and health care professionals, globally.
What is Functional Movement?
Move well. Then move often. This forms the very foundation of our training approach and is inspired by Gray Cook, physical therapist and orthopedic-certified specialist, and the founder of Functional Movement Systems.
Yes, you can gain fitness fast. Yes, you will quickly get stronger by lifting weights. But if you’re training with a poor movement foundation, you might find that you’re doing more damage than good, and eventually your body will cry out in pain.
We include a full Functional Movement assessment, for everyone we work with, so we know how well you are moving, how your body is compensating for your movement patterns, and how to fix them. Then we program accordingly. And we re-screen to ensure your quality of movement is improving – this takes out the guess work.
This is a structured system. First step, quality movement. Second step, strength, Third step, performance!
There are stages to fitness. Just like there are to building a house.
Functional movement patterns are like the blueprint to a building. Without them, your body will not work in the way it was designed, and eventually it will break down.
Strength is like the foundations to a building. Without solid foundations, the body is unbalanced and injury prone.
This is where we start. The combination of functional movement and strength creates a body that that moves easily and pain free, and has the strength so that you can be confident in your body.

Then we get creative. Performance is the part where you build in your own uniqueness, like the style of a house. Do you want to be able to improve that golf swing, ski with your kids, do your first triathlon, increase your vertical jump for basketball, or improve your agility for tennis? Anything can safely built on a solid foundation.
The beauty about this process is that we tackle our limitations first. So many people (and trainers) avoid the ‘sore bit’. But that’s the equivalent of avoiding the living room because there’s a hole in the wall, and never fixing the hole. Your weakest body part is your weakest link. We don’t want the body to be compensating for this and causing problems elsewhere in the body. We like to build from the bottom, so that your weakest link isn’t weak anymore.
Not only is this is a comprehensive and safe way to do exercise, it is the only way to ensure your results are forever.
We design personal training programs that account for your unique body, your desired outcomes, any injuries and your enjoyment!
What Others are Saying
“After many years at different gyms and training programs, I was ready to give up exercising altogether and put up with the pain.
Now after every training session, I can’t wait til my next one as I walk out that door feeling amazing.
I love our sessions and am excited about what I will be like in a few months time…..Watch out world!
Thank you from the bottom on my heart”
– Liz Geehman
“My training with you was awesome and fabulous. Loved everything about it. Loved the one-on-one. Love the results that you gave me.
I feel fit and fabulous!”
– A. Bradley
“Mention the word exercise, and I used to run for the hills…I’d tried other personal trainers. They hurt me and made me vomit.
Pippa’s given me the confidence to know that I can do it, that I can persist with exercise and that I can actually enjoy it too!…thanks Pippa”
– Lee Biderovsky
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