I know, I know. Training in winter can really suck. It’s dark, it’s cold, and we seem to be more tired at this time of year! Believe it or not,…
Tag: weight loss
in Exercise, Fitness, Habits, Lifestyle, Movement, Nutrition, Personal Training, Women's Healthby Pippa Burfield
3 reasons why “Move More and Eat Less” is BAD ADVICE
When talking about weight loss for women, so many people have shared with me that the message they keep getting from doctors or other health practitioners is to ‘move more…
The only solution to ALL your dieting problems (Warning: you may not like the answer)
What’s the one and only EATING PROTOCOL that works for everyone??The non-dieting protocol.Before you shake your head, just hear me out.I get it, it’s not sexy. It’s not exciting. And…
10 simple steps to naturally detox your body ready for spring
If you’re anything like us you’re probably feeling a bit over winter.You may have dropped your summer exercise routine, you may not have spent any proper time in the sun…
Top 5 reasons women fail at fitness
REASON #1. Give up when things get tough.Why do you give up? Most people give up because they don’t believe they have what it takes to succeed.But I wonder if…